QNS Speaking program


For the Presenter:

  1. Presenters should watch “Instructional Videos” (54 mins total: 4 Videos)
    • Watch “1 – Audience” (how to target & engage the audience) – 9:37
      • + Fill-out “Identifying the Audience” Sheet
    • Watch “2 – Format” (how to organize your talk) – 17:47
      • + Fill-out “Format Sheet”
    • Watch “3 – Flow” (how to present coherently: transitions, pausing, pacing) – 13:01
      • + Optional Resource: “200 Most Common Transitions”
    • Watch “4 – Visual” (how to make an effective PowerPoint) – 13:05
  2. After presenters can prepare their presentations
  3. Prior to the 1st presentation day, the PowerPoint, & filled-in “Format sheet” should be sent to the “Instructor” (the person who will be viewing your presentation)

Optional: Presenters may watch/read Additional Resources.
They should also be encouraged to watch Don Eigler’s talk on how to give a good presentation.

For the Instructors:

  1. Prior to the presentations, the Instructor should familiarize themselves with the “Presentation Rubric” and/or “Feedback Rubric” and the “Scientific Talk Time Table
    • (Instructor can choose the rubric that is more suited to them)
  2. The Instructor should look at the PowerPoints prior to the presentation and fill-out the visual part of the “Presentation Rubric” or “Feedback Rubric
  3. The Instructor should review the “Format Sheet” to get an idea of the organization of the talk prior to the presentation
  4. The Instructor should download the PowerPoints to the computer being used for presentations in advance to have a smooth presentation day without technical errors

Presentation & Feedback

5 presentation – 15 minutes each

See “Presentation Timetable” for specific details

Day 1

  1. The talks will be filmed so there should be a camera set up with enough storage space
  2. Presenters give a talk (15 minutes) on their research and are filmed
  3. The Instructor fills in the rubric and makes notes for future feedback
  4. The Instructor should give some positive feedback after each talk
  5. After the talks, the Instructor should upload them to Dropbox so that they may be shared with and viewed by the Presenters

Day 2

  1. The Instructor gives positive and constructive feedback to Presenters 1:1 after having time to review the presentations (via the video recording)
  2. If the Presenter’s accent is hindering comprehension of their talks, the Instructor can conduct a minimal pairs test and direct the Presenter to appropriate resources
  3. After the Presenter should revise/ practice their talk based on the feedback they received

Day 3

  1. There should be a practice “final” presentation in front of PI or a Director with an audience
  2. The Instructor (PI or Director) should use the “Feedback Rubric” and give feedback after each talk
  3. Other Presenters should watch to hear the feedback

Post Program

The “Feedback Rubric” can be used to give feedback in various settings after the course (i.e., conferences & other public talks)

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